- Summerdown Mint subscriptions are only currently available for UK customers
- You must be a registered online Summerdown Mint customer account to setup a subscription. You will be able to manage your subscription from your account dashboard and you are solely responsible for ensuring all information is correct and up-to-date at all times.
- Payment will be taken from your credit/debit card at the regular intervals you specify you want your deliveries e.g. every month/every 2 months etc. PLEASE NOTE YOU CAN ONLY CHECK OUT USING A DEBIT/CREDIT CARD. PAYPAL DOES NOT ACCEPT SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENTS.We take payment from your card at the time the system generates your next order - in the case of a subscription this will be no more than 4 days before your next instalment is due to ship. You are responsible for updating payment details where necessary. In the case that you do not have a valid credit or debit card assigned with your account your subscription will automatically be put on hold until we receive valid payment. You will be automatically notified by email if your payment method fails.
- The cost of a tea subscription is a fixed price of £10 per 3 x boxes, whichever of our teas you choose
- The cost of a chocolate lovers subscription is £21 per box
- The cost of a diffuser refill subscription is £12.25 for 1 refill, £25.50 for 2 refills and £38.25 for 3 refills.
- If the subscription total is less than £25, a fixed postage cost of £3.50 will be applied.
- We reserve the right to alter the minimum order, discount, gift offerings and prices of goods, although we will not do so without informing you in what we deem to be reasonable advance.
- You can cancel your subscription with us at any time with immediate effect – either using the functionality in your Summerdown Mint account or by emailing us at info@summerdownmint.com. When your subscription is cancelled we will not take any more payments.
- We reserve the right to cancel the entire subscription offering – we will give 4 weeks notice
For full terms and conditions relating to www.summerdownmint.com please click here