Meet Catherine

Continuing our ‘meet the team’ profiles, please meet Catherine who some of you may have already met at fairs and events around the UK where Catherine is the smiley face behind the brand telling you all there is to know about Summerdown and sharing our delicious samples.

Catherine is a retail expert and is in her happy place meeting and talking to people. She spent nearly 20 years as a Travel Agent, selling bespoke worldwide holidays and travel which included lots of personal travel all over the world too, before working with another well-known fragrance brand. Catherine joined the Summerdown team in January 2014 and apart from an interlude for the covid year of 2020, has spent the past 9 years introducing thousands of people to the wonderful range of Summerdown products.
What's your favourite Summerdown product?

Our gorgeous Reed Diffusers. I still feel uplifted when I walk into my sitting room or hallway and smell our lovely scent. I just don’t tire of it.

What's the most interesting fact you've learnt whilst at Summerdown?

That Peppermint tea is a natural digestive as well as being naturally decaffeinated.

Your favourite herb?

Peppermint obvs!!

Favourite event/fair you go to

So many to choose from, but one of my favourites is The Alresford Agricultural Show which is held every September. It’s a great crowd.

What do you most enjoy about working at Summerdown?

Meeting all of our lovely customers, new and old.

And the worst part?

Some of the travel to and from events can be quite hard work with a lot of hours spent on the road, but the fairs, which I love, make it worthwhile.

Spring, summer, autumn or winter?

Love all of the seasons that we have in this country, but mostly Summer. I love the sun and feeling warm/hot.

Night in or out?

Love both. As long as they're spent with great people.

Home cooked food or a takeaway?

Home cooked. I am lucky that my husband Tom is a great cook.

Coast or countryside?

Love both but the seaside does make me particularly happy.

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