Summerdown and sustainable farming

Our bee keeper has been to check the hives we keep on our field borders, ahead of the bees’ busy buzzy season of pollinating. Pollinators are an essential part of life on our farm - they must be the luckiest bees around feasting on the pollen of our unique peppermint! Wildlife plays such a vital role on our farm. Yes, at Summerdown, we're all about the peppermint, but there's a huge amount of passion and work that Farm Manager Ian and his small passionate team put into producing our world class peppermint, essential oils and other crops grown on our Hampshire farm. Wild flowers and plants are the life support for all our wildlife. As a corporate partner of wildflower and conservation charity Plantlife, we run an active calendar of conservation initiatives, for example planting feed crop for birds and wild flowers for pollinators. Each year we sow seed mix for flowering plants to encourage wildlife and pollinators, particularly on woodland edges and field corners to create habitats where nature can flourish. Here's Farm Manager Ian, with a barn owl chick. We now have an number of owl boxes to look after our visitors. Barn owls on the farm are the result of years of conservation initiatives So next time you're enjoying one of our delicious peppermint creams, sipping a cup of peppermint tea or relaxing in a bath with our luxury bath soak, you can be assured that our star ingredient, peppermint, comes from a very good home where sustainable farming is key.
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