
Making a mint

His family might be better known for mustard, but Sir Michael Colman is now making a success of growing Black Mitcham mint Download original article

Making a mint

His family might be better known for mustard, but Sir Michael Colman is now making a success of growing Black Mitcham mint Download original article

The interview

Food industry veteran Sir Michael Colman tells us about his inspiration behind creating Summerdown Mint Download original article

The interview

Food industry veteran Sir Michael Colman tells us about his inspiration behind creating Summerdown Mint Download original article

Freshly minted

Sir Michael Colman has reintroduced a crop not seen for generations on his Hampshire farm Download original article

Freshly minted

Sir Michael Colman has reintroduced a crop not seen for generations on his Hampshire farm Download original article

Three more Great Taste Awards for 2011

Sir Michael Colman describes this as a wonderful endorsement of his decision to reintroduce Black Mitcham mint to this country Read original article

Three more Great Taste Awards for 2011

Sir Michael Colman describes this as a wonderful endorsement of his decision to reintroduce Black Mitcham mint to this country Read original article

Mint condition

It took more than a decade for Sir Michael Colman to re-establish Black Mitcham peppermint in Britain but the results are worth it. Download original article

Mint condition

It took more than a decade for Sir Michael Colman to re-establish Black Mitcham peppermint in Britain but the results are worth it. Download original article

The story of Summerdown mint

Discovering the true mint of Old England Download original article

The story of Summerdown mint

Discovering the true mint of Old England Download original article